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  • Haken Check Anlieferung durch eigenes Personal
  • Haken Check Einweisung kostenlos bei Lieferung
  • Haken Check Deutschlandweiter Vor-Ort-Service
  • Haken Check Meisterfachbetrieb seit ü. 30 Jahren

Vorort-Service: Inspektion, Wartung, Reparatur

Our on-site service offers you a lot of advantages. We come to your home or workplace with a fully equipped workshop trolley and carry out the requested work on site.

You can conveniently request an appointment for inspection, maintenance or repair using the contact form in our online shop or by calling 06255 300-30. We will contact you within 10-14 working days with an appointment proposal.



The following services are included in the offered price:
- Travel throughout Germany
- ½ hour of working time

We can carry out the inspection on most Taiwanese and Chinese models.

We are primarily specialized in the following manufacturers:
Adly, AEON, AGM, ATU, Baumarktroller, Baotian, Benzhou, Eppella, Generic, Jack Fox, Jonway, Kreidler, Nova Motors, PGO, Qingqi, Rex, SI-Zweirad, SMC, STM, Znen

Or on the following motor types:

  • 1E40QMB 2-stroke 50ccm
  • 139 QMA 4-stroke 50ccm
  • 139 QMB 4-stroke 50ccm
  • 152 QMI 4-stroke 125ccm
  • 157 QMI 4-stroke 150ccm
  • 172MM 4 stroke 250ccm
  • Other models on request


The following services are included in the offered price:
- Travel throughout Germany
- ½ hour of working time

Additional work and spare parts are charged separately and must be paid in cash directly to the fitter.</> If spare parts or accessories are required and are to be installed due to an accident, we ask you to order them before applying for repairs in our online shop. The fitter can then install this on site.

On-site service

No more workshop, because we come to your home or to your place of work. Use this service and save time.


After your order and receipt of payment, we will arrange an appointment for the repair by email with you as soon as possible.
We will immediately plan you for the next tour. The lead time is approx. 14 days.
During the ordering process, the information required for the service is requested.
To do this, you need vehicle documents as well as the certificate of conformity or the Certificate of Conformity.

The following information is required:

  • Manufacturer (to be found under position 0.1, e.g. AGM motors)
  • Scooter type (to be found under position 0.2, e.g. JSD50QT-13)
  • Sales designation (to be found under item 0.2.1, e.g. GMX 450)
  • Chassis number (to be found under position 0.6, 17-digit)
  • Motor type (to be found under position 21, e.g. JSD139QMB)
  • Tire size (to be found under position 32, e.g. 3.50-10)
  • Maximum speed (to be found under position 44, e.g. 25 km / h)
  • Year of manufacture (see vehicle documents below right)
  • mileage

Please have the required documents ready.
We also ask you to provide a telephone number and an e-mail when ordering so that we can reach out to you with a date proposal.

Many Thanks.

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